Managed website hosting

* Content Management System with online interface optimized for publishers
* Managed hosting
* 99.9% guaranteed uptime
* Domain name registration and management for your sites

Pressflex hosts and maintains many publications and blogs ranging from small mags with a few thousand pageviews per day to high-traffic sites with more than 9 million pageviews per day. Due to hosting many sites, our resource-lean, optimized CMS and our years of expertise in hosting and site management, we can offer our client-proven services to you at the fraction of in-house solutions.

Client sites reside on servers operated at Pressflex's expense. Pressflex uses a content delivery network (CDN) in distributed data storage facilities to ensure the fastest available connectivity speeds to users all over the world. The network spans 17 locations across 3 continents, including New York, Dallas, London, Amsterdam and Hong Kong.

Our servers are hosted in secure, earthquake-proof facilities with redundant power supply and HVAC systems. Redundant components ensure uptime and eliminate any single point of failure. The network is multi-homed through multiple redundant high-speed connections providing fast, reliable connectivity.

Our managed hosting packages include our Content Management System (CMS) as well. The easy-to-use Pressflex CMS is optimized for publishers and enables traditional print-based publishers to upload content from a variety of sources - such as InDesign, XML - and to edit, tag and publish the uploaded content themselves.

The Pressflex Services:


The OECD Observer magazine has jumped from being invisible to being highly ranked on the world’s main search engines. Pressflex has done what it said it would do when we teamed up in 1999.

Rory Clarke Editor, OECD Observer


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